Blake was talking to my sister on the phone and they were talking about Santa coming. Julie asked Blake if he has been good? His response was, "well, I say sorry a lot." I guess Santa will have to be understanding. At least he is trying!
This is at my sister Marilyn's house at Thanksgiving. They had just got a new hot tub. The kids had a blast in it until Aunt Marilyn sprayed them with cold water from the kitchen faucet. She is such a tease!
Aspen was one of the top sellers for her school fund raiser. She got to go in a limo ride to McDonald's for lunch. She had so much fun. I was the only crazy mom that showed up to the school to take pictures of it. Someday she will thank me for it. The limo service is Rod Stewarts Limo. Hence the crazy guy in the pink suit.
Blake was so excited to get to go to preschool. He wasn't sure why he had to start in preschool because he was sure he was ready for "tinderdarden". Hence that is why he is starting in preschool. Maybe by kindergarten he will be able to pronounce it.